Life Journey of a Girl
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Posts Farah's Darling(s)


Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :)

Footprints here!

ow yeah!!

hahaha..akhirnye! ak dpt gak bli gitar sndri..nk tnggu abg afis bwk blik dye pnye, or nk tnggu org laen blikn..mmg xksmpaian la jwbnye~ hak3..epy sgt2 niyh! hee~ semlm pnye la frust mnonggeng sbb bile pegi je, kdai tu da ttup..bru 8.30 kott..awal btol korg ttup kdai..hehe, takpe la..jnji, ary da dpt..hehe, pic gitar tuh, laen kali la ak share okeyh! ^^,

hehe, bwt my eqie,, thx ea abg, tmn ayg least, aty thibur pas frust tak dpt bli gitar semlm! hehe, cyan bfkuh yg tcinte niy..da la pg2 nt kne naek bas nk p kL, tp dye ttp setia tmn ak bcerite smpai nk dkt kul 4 pg! adoyaii..nseb awk la kn dpt makwe cmniyh..haha, da la pnggil ak bdk2! haishh...takpe la, ngn dye je ak jd bdk2..sbb dye special bg ak! ^^, hihi..*blushing~ erm, nseb baek ak tkot dye pnat nk travel..klu tak,, mmg hrpn la ak nk letak fon tu..nk bebel je smpai pg..ak ske dgr suare dye! ahaha..ak epy gle gle ckp ngn dye semlm..huu~ kteorg cte sal bnyk bnde..tmsuk la sal future planning! 02/02/2020! wakaka~ kasi besa ckit ye tarikh tuh..adoyaii, insyaallah..bia la dye jd stu- stunye utk ak, n ak stu- stunye utk dye..amin..hehe, bhgia~ ku rasa~~ haha, da nk nyanyi da niyh! hehe..da la, nk stop melalut jap, nk maen gitar ku!! hehehe,.bye2 korg! ^^, salam~
