Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| -.-' hurmm..ttbe ase rndu nak b'facebook! ngek la cik fara nihh. asasi da nak abes, saba la ckit ag. tak lame da kot, bulan depan je tnggal an. sabo sabo sabo! okehh, cam da takde keje sangat an ak nih -___-' haishh. pas abes asasi nih online la puas puas~ 6bulan cuty an? ngadap la facebook tu sampai LEBAM! haha, ayat fevret sapik :D adoyaii, rndu sume membe kat facebook. deactivate fb tr0s lost contact with the world. the world?? ok, agak over di situ. takde la sampai world kan, but still. lame tak contact dyeorang. sobsobsob T__T korang ingat ak tak weyh?? |