Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| hope everything is going to be okay. oke. abg afis da ade kt alex skang. but he had to wait for another three days before he gets to jeddah.. sbb tlampau rmai, so pemindahan dbwat scare bperingkat. klu kne tnggu pn, tnggu jela kn. janji sume selamat. n umi ckap, xyah la beli tiket sendiri. ikot je ape yang kerajaan da arrange. sbb, ade sesetengah kes tu, da booking tiket online, byar gne kredit card mak ayah dyeorang la kn. then, ble tbe ary yg djadualkn utk depart, ttbe xley naek jgk. stranded dkat airport tu for about 2 days, then bli tket bru. rugi gak la. and lg stu, tkot jd pape spanjang tempoh stranded tu, thats why umi sruh ikot je ape yg government da plan. huhu, mnx mnx sume dalam keadaan oke je kt sne.. same same la kte doakan dyeorang k.. |