Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| it all went well ^^, okay, tajuk nak poyo. haha. kalau korang nak taw, actually malam niy, ade jamuan untuk group kteorang. group B2, asasi sains uitm puncak alam ye, harap maklum! hehe. and tu la yang dimaksudkan dengan 'it all went well'. best! gelak sakan malam niy. hehe. walaupun penat still terase, but then..bile tengok sume orang gelak gelak and seeming to have a very good time tadi, terus hilang penat. haha, okay. ade unsur penipuan sedikit ye di situ. memang la penat tak hilang sepenuhnye, tapi rase cam berbaloi la ape yang kteorang buat tu. wee~ k la, setakat niy, tu je yang aku nak cite. untuk cite detail, tunggu next entry keyh. yeppii! malam niy dapat qada tido!! haha. :D