Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| tag from dearest ARFAH ALI :) List out these questions and make a new note called 'ABC About You' Then tag any 7 people. If you got tagged by me, YOU HAVE TO take this survey and repost it. ABC About You Questions :) A - AVAILABLE : depends, kalau for friendship, then yes, i'm available. kalau nak lbey, sorry, i'm TAKEN. hehe ^^, B – BIRTHDAY: nape? nak bg present? hihi~ 921004 :) C - CRUSHING ON: *wink* nik muhammad eqie hafizie *wink3*D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: chrysanthemum tea E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: umi, besties. F - FAVORITE SONG: Malay - puteri cinta hati English -raise your voice G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: tettt!! tak suke pn. I - IN LOVE WITH: budak gmowk tuhh- nik muhammad eqie hafizie {walaupun hakikatnye dye tu kurus melidi and ak yg gmowk++, still nak panggil dye gmowk gak..ngeh3} K - KILLED SOMEONE: erkk. never. but if given a chance, can i? haha. guraw guraww! xde maknenye ak nak bunuh orang. tengok orang bwt muke kesian pn ak da xsmpai aty. nak bunuh orang? memang tak la weyhh~~ L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: from jb to kelantan. 10 to 12 hours -______-' M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: cappuchino N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: seven :) the more the merrier O - ONE WISH: betulkan kesilapan mase lalu. bley tak? huhu, harapan jela kn. P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: umi R - REASON TO SMILE: it makes my heart feels warm ^^, S - SONG YOU LAST SANG: kita ditakdirkan jatuh cinta. hee~ yes, jiwang~~ i knowwww :) T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: automatik bangun bile roommate bangun mase subuh ^^, U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: wehee~~ apekah tujuan soalan nih????? +___+''' V - VEGETABLE(S): daun salad, tomato, carrot. lagi? ngee~~ senang cite sume jenis sayur laa. ~i'm a vegetable-eating-monster!~ haha W - WORST HABIT: suke tidooo! -____-''' X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: 1st- eksiden basikal, masuk longkang, bahu terhentak kuat. ase cam da retak, naseb baek tade pape..hee~ brutal kn ak mase kecik dulu. haishh. :D 2nd-mase nak masuk mrsm dulu. buat x-ray kat hospital penawar, tempat ayah ^^, 3rd- mase nak masuk uitm. same jugak, kat hospital penawar ^^, Y - YOYOS ARE: mainan yg satu ktike dulu penah jd obsesi ak n adek bradikku yg laen. hak3 :D Z - ZODIAC SIGN: libra :) Random Questions About You :) Spell your name without vowels: frh dyn Your favorite number: 2 What color do you wear most? cream, grey, black, white. Are you happy with your life right now? :) What is your favorite lesson in school? Math addmath math addmath math addmath!! urgghh! i'm obsessed with these two subjects! :) Who is your best friend? huhu. tuttt. When do you start back at school/college? sept 2011. Are you outgoing? hihi. i suppose~ Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? in ten years time- MAYBE Can you whistle? nope. Walk with your toes curled? bley kot. xtaw, blum ade keberanian nak cube bwt. hihi~ THE DO'S :) Do you believe in miracles? tak. sebab tak pernah jd kat sy. so, tak caye. hihi~ Do you believe in magic? eleyh. tipu je tuu. gune bantuan syaitonn. tak sukee! Love at first sight? ngeh3. ntahlaa~ Do you know how to swim? huhu. soalan cepumas. ntahh, lu pk la sendiri. hehe. Do you like roller coasters? suke sukee! Have you ever been on a plane? penahh. Have you ever asked someone out? tipu la klu ckap tak. banyak kali kott. haha :D Have you ever been asked out by someone? juge penaahh. haishh, ak bukan antisosial keyhh. Have you ever been to the ocean? penah. Have you ever painted your nails? hihi~ penah. skang ngan inai, zaman hingusan dulu dengan magic colour and segale jadah lg. kikiki~ THE WHATS :) What is the temperature outside? erkk. gelapp. What radio station do you listen to? hotfm.What was the last restaurant you ate at? erkk. food court kt bawah tu jee. What was the last thing you bought? macam macamm! yg penting makanan. hihi~ What was the last thing on TV you watched? tak ingatt! lame da tak tengok tv. sobsobsob. Who was the last person you said I love you to? diaa :) HAPPY SECTION :) Are you a happy person? totally What is your current hair color? black. CURRENTLY WEARING :) What shirt are you wearing? baju tidoo, ready for bed da niy ^^, Pants? -.- haishh, stu set la ngan baju tido tuhh. Shoes? tak pkai kasut dalam bilik tido okee. Necklaces? ^^, ade ade ade! IN A BOY/GIRL :) Favorite eye color: tak kesaa. Short or long hair: lelaki, mesti la rambut pendek. sibuk jee nak jd pmpuan ye, simpan rambut panjang panjang. haishh. pmpuan, tak kesa pn. hihi Height: tinggi!! HAVE YOU EVER. Been to jail? NOPE Laughed so hard you cried: a lot. Cried in school: yup. nape? rahsie! haha :D Done something really stupid that you still you started laughing: like more than a thousand times! hehe Seen a dead body: penaaahhh!! takoot! THIS OR THAT? Pepsi or Coke: coke Chocolate or Vanilla: coklatt!! all time fevret! ^^, Strawberries or Blueberries: STRAWBERRIES Meat or Veggies: both! ^^, TV or Movie: movie ^^, Guitar or Drums: guitar Adidas or Nike: neither! Cheerios or Corn Flakes: corn flakes Name one random thing about myself. protective. |