Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| 3a.m talk :) assalamualaikum, hye peeps! how are you? weheee~ i don't know why, i felt like browsing down all of my past entries tonight. and my eyes snatched on something. well, takde bnde pn sbenanye. its nothing, no biggie. i saw a picture on one of my entries. a picture quote. it says, "my head says 'who cares?' and suddenly my heart whispers, 'you do stupid' .." well, something like that. and you know what, i liked it. (klu ade butang like, nak tekan banyak banyak kali! wakaka) oke, xlawak pun sbenanye. fine~~ |