Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| interview? okeyy, please work out. (bismillahirrahmanirrahim) assalamualaikum :) lame tak update blog kan, hee~ hye hye. agak agak ade orang rindu ke nak bace ak pnye celoteh kt sni? pfftt~ untung la klu ade kn? hihi, anyway. ak nervous. nervous? ape itu nervous? oke, mengikut ape yg incik google ckap, nervous niy same mksud dengan pkataan cemas, takut, cuak serte gabra. *fine, cuak n gabra tu bukan incik google yg ckap, ak yg ckap* XD hehe, nape nervous? oke, sbenanye esok ade interview untuk keje. keje ape? keje biase je. yg pasti korang takkan ckap "wahh!" ataupn "woww!" mungkin jgak "fuyoohh". tp yg pasti, ak ske keje tu ^^, and thanks to my umi for getting me the opportunity. :) hehe, agak gabra sbb da lame tak kne interview. last tyme, mase interview untuk CUCMS (cyberjaya university college of medical sciences), got in. tp tak pegi :( now seeming to regret it, but takleh nak bwt ape da la. everything happens for a reason, mesti ade sbb nape ak decide tak masuk situ, but masuk uitm. there there farahh, chill, everything is going to be fine :) oke, da lari topik kn. tak taw la. i just don't think i'm quite ready for this. please give me strength Ya Allah. if this is a right thing for me to be doing right now, then please please please, prmudahkan jalan hambaMu ini, please ease up the pressure and nerves. anyway, keje tu as cekgu tadika je *if korang nak taw la* :) wlaupn ckgu tadika je, ak tak pndang ringan tugas tu. sbb minda yg cemerlang dibentuk dr kcik. kn? anyhow, it's just my personal opinion, no offense :) |