Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| you name it, pening ah nak pk letak title ape. hua3~ (bismilahirrahmanirrahim) hee~ had fun todayy! err err err, da la exam da nk dekatt. bley plak ary nih merayap! sorry exammm T.T i had no intention to ignore you, its just- i'm soooo excited to decorate my car with cutie cute stuffed animals! haha, went to jusco tebrau city to pick up my n8's cover and then we went straight to mcD for our lunch. haha, prove? here you go~~ some of our pics, :)
psst! niy gmba kat dalam kete estima. bukan gen 2. hee~ lepas jee melantak kat mcd niy, and masing masing perut da membulat macam ape =__='' , kteorang pn balik umahh, tengok cite senjakala! disebabkan nak dapat feel yg same macam kat panggung, kteorang tutup sume sumber sumber cahaye, tmasukla pintu umah! haha, maseng maseng tutup muke, walaupn cite tu tak banyak scene yg ade antoo. hee~ and and andddd, bile nga part part yg suspen ckit, ttbe ade orang ketuk pintu umah dr luar! amek kaww, sume tkejott. haha, rupe rupenye, umi jee. baru balik, haha, dye pn pelik nape kteorang tengok cite uh dalam gelapp. fuhh~ penat cite. haha, anyway, lepas duduk duduk kejap, ak ase nak testing kete. hee~ so, mintak izin la ngan umi and ayah. dyeorang da kasi green light, soo..ape agih. meronggeng la dengan si kinah uh. haha. tak takk. bukan meronggeng, bersiar siar jee. kteorang g tesco. hee~ disebabkan kete tu agak kurengg aksesori nye, ak pn mule la rambang mate. sume bnde bnde comel nk letak kt kete tu. hadoyaii. memang tak la kn~ membaziaqq~ ak beli perfume kete, bnde comel gerak gerak gune tenage solar and bnde alah comel untuk letak kt seat belt tu je dulu bwt mase nih. *haha. bahase! abaikan jela yerp* takkan nak bli sume sekaligus an. pokai la ak. ala ala konsep ckit ckit jd bukit la niy kire~ haha. dah dahh. malas da nk taep. nak g study da plak. wish me luck people! thank youuu! hehe :))