Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| work paid off and i'm so grateful! (bismillahirrahmanirrahim) hey guys!!, what have you been up to since i am away? anyway, i would really like to apologize for not updating my blog for quite sometime, i have been busy studying for my test 1 in masterskill, and then came the holidays. so, i'm off the lappy and hit the road- travel to kelantan! yess~~ kelantan is my hometown people! haha, *starting to feel like i'm drifting away to 'merepek island'. urggh~ hehe, i have good news! well, some of you may know already about me, repeating my foundation in masterskill. and some may not. well, here i say it again, I AM REPEATING MY FOUNDY IN MASTERSKILL~~ hihi. okay, sorry. i don't know why i am so excited today. haihh. anyway, since this is the 2nd time for me in doing foundy, i am really hoping that i can do well this time. i mean like- really really really really really well! :) and guess what? i scored well for the test 1. at least in maths and IT. i got 90 for my maths and 94 for my IT. and as for english, i only got 70. i am so frustrated as the mistakes that i did in my english paper was so silly i feel like and i have A LOT to tell about my holidays! so much to tell, so little time. i'm so so so so sorry 'cause i have to read up my biology and psychology for now, i have tests on friday. so i guess i'll continue my writings later. wish me luck and pray for me will you? thank youuu!! p/s : thank you for reading and thanks a bunch for being here to share my joys. really appreciate it! :) hee~ this is some of the pictures from my holidays. there's a lot more to come. haha XD