Miss Owner ![]() Stuff(s) Welcome! Everything I wrote here is an expression of what my heart feels. Do forgive me if I ever offended anyone in any kind of way. Good day! :) Footprints here!
| hope everything goes well:) (bismillahirrahmanirrahim) hee~ okay, i still don't believe the fact that i've been nominated for one of the position in the student council >.< shocked, nervous as well as excited. the truth is, with this position, comes great responsibility- just like our president said. so, i'm hoping that i can do my part as good as possible. hehe, saje je gedik cakap omputeh jap. *actually bukan gedik okay, praktis supaya english tak kokak, tu je.* haha, siyes, abaikan! okay, sebenarnye, hari ni kteorang ade buat mesyuarat antara students MUCH, batch 1, 2 and 3. kira dari senior, sampai junior and junior punya junior la. hehe. mesyuarat ni actually untuk undi sape yang akan jadi wakil pelajar ni dalam pape hal berkaitan ngan dyeorang sepanjang dyeorang study kat MUCH ni. alaa, macam kalau kat mrsm dulu la, ade BWP(badan wakil pelajar). same kes la ni. aku main nominate and sokong orang je keje, last last name aku pn kena petik jugak. memang tak sangkaa =.= huhuhu. lepas sesi nomination tu, kteorang kena keluar dari kelas and tunggu dyeorang vote. ce teka aku dapat jawatan ape? president? hohohoho. memang TAK la jawabnye! hehe. aku just dapat jawatan sebagai exco academic@biro pelajaran. takut jugak actually pegang jawatan ni sebenarnye. kena ready dr segi mental and fizikal la. plus, pointer aku kena maintain woaaa. kalau tak,,, haishh. tak taw la. exco academic, tp academic teruk. boleh bayang tak camne? astaghfirullahalazim. mintak mintak tak la kan? okay. dahh. tak nak la cite detail sangat, nt bosan plak bace, hehehe. nak tidur dah plak. esok bangun awal. assalamualaikum! ;) |